Activities | Description |
Establishment of stormwater utility | Initial planning, including the feasibility study and data gathering (e.g., budget expenses and impervious coverage by parcel) |
Capital expenditures | Planning, design, engineering, acquisition, construction, and improvement of a stormwater management system, including green infrastructure components |
Operations and maintenance | Service requests, street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, snow removal, channel/culvert maintenance, pipe repairs, and maintenance of green infrastructure installations |
Asset management program | Program development activities for a stormwater management system |
Stormwater management plan and stormwater control ordinances | Program development activities for a stormwater management plan and stormwater control ordinances pursuant to section 1 of P.L. 1981, c.32 (C.40:55D-93). |
New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) | Any compliance activities required pursuant to NJPDES permit |
Combined sewer overflow (CSO) | Development and implementation of any long-term control plan to mitigate CSO pursuant to state or federal law, rule, regulation, permit, or consent decree |
Monitoring, inspection, and enforcement | Any such activities to carry out the purposes of P.L.2019, c. 42(C.40A:26B-1 et al.) |
Public outreach and education | Any public education and outreach related to stormwater management |
Administrative costs | Staff or service costs for billing invoices, requests for fee credits, legal review, collection of overdue fees, periodic reporting, and general office overhead. |
*Also, any additional stormwater activities as authorized by the NJDEP, the Division of Local Government Services in the department of Community Affairs, or the Local Finance Board pursuant to rules, regulations, or permits. P.L2019, c.42 (C.40A:26B-8(e). |