What Are The Key Benefits of a Stormwater Utility?

What are the Key Benefits of a Stormwater Utility?

Stormwater planter Portland Oregon

Build Critical Infrastructure

Increase capacity and quality of your systems and protect your community against flooding.


Improve Your Environment

Tackle environmental problems, such as poor water quality and erosion control, focus on green solutions, and proactively plan for climate change implications.


Fund Your Future

Create a stable, dedicated, and equitable source of revenue for stormwater projects and services now and in the future.

New York City, USA - August 22, 2015: People walking along the path on the High Line in New York City on August 22, 2015.

Support Economic Development

Stormwater infrastructure investments can improve the appearance of neighborhoods, and may support the local workforce.

Finally, one of the most critical characteristics of a stormwater utility is that it raises funds in a stable, dedicated, and equitable manner.


Revenue is generated continually, usually in monthly or quarterly billings. With stable funding, localities can proactively plan and budget for projects, thus avoiding costly repairs that normally occur in a system of deferred maintenance.


A stormwater user fee that is based on impervious area provides a more equitable approach to recover costs from all properties that contribute runoff. When stormwater costs are recovered through other mechanisms such as taxes or sewer charges, tax-exempt properties (e.g., universities, hospitals) or properties that do not have any water/sewer services(e.g., parking lots) would not pay their fair share of the cost of managing stormwater.


Fees generated from the utility are placed in a dedicated enterprise fund that supports stormwater projects and programs. Unlike in a typical municipal budget, the stormwater utility fees can’t be shifted to pay for other expenditures.

See the fee basics section here for more detail on beneficial, fee-related characteristics.    


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