What Options Are Available to Address Stormwater?

What Options Are Available to Address Stormwater?

Communities that face a serious stormwater problem, such as chronic flooding or poor water quality, typically have four basic policy choices when deciding how best to respond:



By taking no action, the problem is deferred to the future, often growing in size and cost. This is a common approach on stormwater-related issues, which are not well understood.

Southwest Park 3 (1)


Communities can reallocate funds away from other uses to increase spending on stormwater management. But most local budgets in New Jersey are constrained, with competing needs such as schools and law enforcement. 


Obtain State Assistance

The New Jersey Water Bank provides low-interest financing and limited amounts of principal forgiveness, and some state grants are available. However, significant, ongoing financial assistance from the State is unlikely due to its long-standing budget problems.


Raise New Revenue

Communities can create a stormwater utility, which may be the most equitable approach to raising revenue. Communities may also opt to raise property taxes or sewer fees.

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