Key Milestones for Implementation

Key Milestones For Implementation


Eight Basic Steps to Establish a Stormwater Utility

  1. Vetting the concept with top local officials
  2. Establishing a core team of internal experts
  3. Engaging the mayor (or county executive or utility director)
  4. Authorizing a feasibility study to identify options that best suit the community
  5. Ongoing stakeholder and outreach activities
  6. “Go” or “no go” decision
  7. An implementation phase
  8. The final launch

Click here for a one-page document summarizing these eight basic steps.

For a more detailed description of these steps, click here for “New Jersey Stormwater Utilities Program: Milestones for Local Implementation.”

For more information on Stormwater Utility Feasibility Studies and how to conduct one, click here and view these Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study RFP examples from The City of Newark, The Town of Secaucus, and The Municipality of Princeton.

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